Conyers Delivers Petition
White House Aid Reluctant To Accept
-AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais
Updated 6/19/05: Just added a video link to Take Back The Media. It was amazing to see how many stacks of papers this petition was comprised of.
Americans want answers.
Congressman John Conyers hand delivers a petition to the White House demanding that Bush answer questions regarding the Downing Street Memos. Conyers was not allowed past the gates and an aid finally came out to retrieve the petition. Given the clutched fists, I'd have to say that he didn't want to accept it. It's looks like he was being served with a subpoena and there was no way in hell he was going to let that happen. Sadly I'm sure Bush probably filed it in the round filing cabinet (trash) after it got to his office, that is if the aid wasn't instructed to do so already.
"Conyers and a half-dozen other members of Congress were stopped at the White House gate later Thursday when they hand-delivered petitions signed by 560,000 Americans who want Bush to provide a detailed response to the Downing Street memo. When Conyers couldn't get in, an anti-war demonstrator shouted, "Send Bush out!" Eventually, White House aides retrieved the petitions at the gate and took them into the West Wing."Click here to read the full article at Yahoo.
Video from: Take Back The Media
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